
Heidegger and Modern Art
A Reconstructive Approach

Chapter: Rising Tide of Precariat and Denizens in Neoliberal Capitalism: The Case of Germany
by Eda Keskin (Author)
Part of the Philosophy and Poverty book series (PPOV, volume 2)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31711-9_20
Poverty, Poverty in Europe /Germany, Precariat, Denizenship, Multidimensional poverty measurement, Social exclusion, Neoliberal capitalism, Labour market
In Chapter "Visual and Theatrical Arts": Wabi-Sabi Aesthetic and Joseph Beuys’s Badewanne (1960)
by Eda Keskin (Author)
Publisher : Routledge; 1st edition (December 30, 2022)
Language : English
Editor : Peter Cheyne
Paperback : 412 pages
ISBN-10 : 1032170093
ISBN-13 : 978-1032170091
Publications According to Categories
Keskin, Eda, Heidegger and Modern Art – A Reconstructive Approach, Treffpunkt Philosophie, 22, Peter Lang; New edition, October 22, 2021 (ISBN: 978-3631836088).
Keskin, Eda, The Analysis of Alienation [Entfremdung] in Being and Time: From A Marxist Perspective, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, Oktober 10, 2011 (ISBN 978-3846501849).
Book Chapters
Keskin, Eda, Rising Tide of Precariat and Denizens in Neoliberal Capitalism: The Case of Germany, in Dimensions of Poverty- Measurement, Epistemic Injustices, Activism, ed. Hahn, Henning, Schweiger, Gottfried, Sedmak, Clemens, Springer, 2020, Germany. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31711-9_20.
Keskin, Eda, “Wabi-Sabi Aesthetic and Joseph Beuys’ “Badewanne (1960)”, in Imperfectionist Aesthetics in Art and Everyday Life, ed. Cheyne, Peter, Routledge, 2023, ISBN 9781032170091.
Keskin, Eda, „Rubenstein's Analysis of the Humanitarian INGOs: The Political Ethics of Decision Making Processes”,GLOBAL JUSTICE: THEORY PRACTICE RHETORIC (9/2), 2016.
Keskin, Eda, “Everyday Aesthetics and Empathy Development”, Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics, Vol. 10, 2018.
Keskin, Eda & Beck, Justin, “Recapturing the Inverted Systems of Our Civilizations”, The Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere,, Stanford University, USA, April 18, 2017.
Keskin, Eda, „ Varlık ve Zaman'daki YabancılaÅŸma Kavramının Marksist Bir Analizi [A Marxist Analysis of the Concept of Alienation in Being and Time]”, Cogito, 64, 2010 (ISBN: 9771300288064).
Keskin, Eda, „Sanatsal Deneyim ve Fenomenoloji [Aesthetic Experience and Phenomenology], Rh+ Art Magazine, 84, 2011 (ISBN9771303751005).
Keskin, Eda (translator), Necmi Karkın (author), Aesthetics in Anatolian Culture, Ekin Kitabevi Yayınları, Turkey, 2017 (ISBN 6053274780).
Gökhan Akbay, Zümrüt Alpınar, Orhan Aslan, Mehmet Elgin, Eda Keskin, Ayhan Sol, DariaSugorakova, Can Yağız, Åžahabettin Yalçın (Translators). Elliott Sober, Biyoloji Felsefesi [The Philosophy of Biology]. Ankara: Ä°mge Kitabevi, 2009 (ISBN: 9789755336275). (Sober, E., Philosophy of Biology 2nd edition, Westview, Boulder, CO, 2000.)